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Beginner's Guide: Yoga Glossary

Ever gone to a yoga class and not understood half of what the instructor was saying. Yoga classes have their own language. There is the Sanskrit, the English transitions, individual instructor's nick names and every instructors use slightly different cues to walk you through their planned sequence.

Common terms:

  • Yoga = union. union of body, mind, and spirt

  • Asana = pose or posture

  • 8 Limbs = 8 aspects of yoga

  • Easy Seat = comfortable cross-legged position

  • Tadasana = mountain pose. basically standing upright at the top of your mat and mindful of yourself

  • Chaturanga Dandasana = four limb staff or low plank, hover.

  • Savasana = corpse pose. laying down in complete relaxation

  • Sun Salutation A and B = traditional sequences that are commonly used to warm-up the body (more to come on this)

  • Heart Center = center of chest, sternum

  • Om = (A-U-M) tiny word/multitude of meanings. Often quoted as the “universal sound of consciousness”.

  • Prana = life energy

  • Namaste = it is actually a greeting not a farewell. Using this to close a class is an American phenomenon

  • Hatha = Ha (sun) Tha (moon) often used to describe slower-paced classes with no flow to them. Hatha is the basic style of yoga that forms the basis for most styles of yoga

    • Types of Yoga (there are more then listed below)

      • Vinyasa = varied sequences/dynamic flow with emphasis on mobility 30-60 minutes

      • Ashtanga=8 limb path. Traditional series of poses practiced in order. 90-120 minutes

      • Iyengar = alignment based and relies heavily on props, established by BKS Iyengar

      • Baptiste = power yoga. fast pace. typically 90 minutes 90*F heat

      • Hot Yoga = 26 poses done twice in 105*F heat/40% humidity

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