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Beyond the Mat: Niyamas

Niyamas is the second of the eight limbs of yoga. There are five (5) Niyamas. They are described as personal observances, self integrity, beyond self-care. Where Yamas are how we interact with others, Niyamas are how we interact with ourselves.

  1. Shaucha - Cleanliness. This is the physical self, your space and/or environment, clean diet. I like to think of hygiene, tidy living space- lack of clutter, and making the effort to intake that which maintains one integrity. Shaucha is the practice of purification, purity of action.

  2. Santosha - Contentment. This includes coveting things. Santosha is acceptance of where you are, acceptance of what you have and move forward from that point. It is important to celebrate the small things along the way in life; celebrating the now. Santosha is contentment with the present. This is not waiting for some future milestone that might not come to floriation. "Everything we need to be happy is inside ourselves" It is important to come to the mat with acceptance of where you are now; not the yesterday self or what you want tomorrow's to be.

  3. Tapas - Self-Discipline. Austerity. Tapas is finding your will power. Finding the discipline to stop yourself from doing things you want but will not serve you. We all have something that we want but does not help you or actually takes you further away. And to do the things you don't want but are going to serve/help you. Tapas is the passion that drives to be the best version of ourselves. The self discipline that helps you to grow to that better person.

  4. Swadhyaya - Self-Study. This is learning about yourself in effort to tap into the Divine. Realizing and knowing what your weaknesses are. Observe one's self and understanding what you need as an individual to achieve Samadhi (state of oneness)

  5. Ishwara Prandhana - Surrender to a greater consciousness. Devotion to a concept/belief outside of one's self. Surrender to the highest form of love. Dedication and offering up one's ego. Karma yoga.

The third (3rd) limb is Asanas. Physical postures, self mastery over the body.

(Pranayama coming soon)

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