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Beyond the Mat: Yamas

Yoga without all of its aspects is just a fancy form of calisthenics. Yoga is divided into 8 limbs. Each limb is an aspect designed for self mastery. They each build on each other with the ultimate goal is a state on oneness, a state of enlightened bliss, merging with the divine. Yoga is unity.

Yamas is the first limb and is often paired with the second, Niyamas. There are five (5) Yamas. They are how we related or interact with others and the world around us. They are describes a 'restraints' or ethical guidelines. They are not new concepts. Yamas are a manifestation of the Golden Rule. Embodiment of personal integrity in our responses to others.

  1. Ahimsa. Non-Harming/Non-Violence. There is no way to live a life and not hurt someone else. Physically, Emotionally, Mentally. It doesn't have to be intentional. We can wake up each day with the goal of our actions not causing harm to anyone but we will inevitably fail. Being aware of out actions is the key. Ahimsa is not only not harming other but includes ourselves. Ahimsa is sensitivity to all living things.

  2. Satya. Truthfulness/Non-Lying. Truthful with ourselves so we can be truthful to others. Satya is living your truth; more than words but actions. Satya is honest communication... and most communication is nonverbal.

  3. Asteya. Non-stealing. Not taking more than what is offered. This is overcoming

greed and artificial needs. The concept of not taking more than what is offered is not for physical things. It could be applied to another person's time. Time is a commodity, an intangible object of value. Not draining someone else emotionally, mentally, financially. We are a community of over consumers, take more than needed to fill some sort of void. The answer is "I am Enough". Asteya is not taking what does not belong to us.

4. Brahmacharya. Moderation. Withdrawal of the senses. Brahmacharya is containing our energy, the proper use of our energy.

5. Aparigraha. Non-Attachment. Non-Coveting. Non-Greed. Aparigraha is non-grasping. This does not apply to just physically things. Attachment to an outcome, negative self talk. Processions are not truly processions as they are temporary, at some point in the future they will no longer exist.

to be continued... Niyamas

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