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Nature Therapy: Hike... Misadventure

The second excursion on this yoga retreat was a hike to a waterfall, swimming and the rest of the day at the beach.

Misadventure. I slipped climbing back into the boat to go back to the villa. I hit my shin hard. I could feel it was swelling up. It was going to be a doozy of a bruise. I packed Salonpas patches. Not sure why I did but I am glad I had them. I got back to my room and discovered that the skin had actually ripped open from impact. It wasn't until later that night that I realized I hurt my other leg's foot. Not sure what I did but by 8:30 I could not walk. Two people helped me back to my room. Everyone was being so kind and I felt so bad about putting them in the situation of having to help me. I am not used to people just offering to help; too embedded in self-efficiency.

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