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I had a moment of clarity. I think that my personal practice disappeared because I was trying to teach/offer too many classes. They took over or, at least, the idea of them hanging over my head. Trying to share too much and not leaving anything to sustain myself. This is the moment I decided that I was going to step back on the number of classes I taught a week. Switching just to evenings classes and leaving the mornings for myself; get up and start the day with self care. Meditation and asana practice, the time balanced between the two so that I can fill my cup. I burnt out trying to help fill other's and mine ran dry. And find an in-person class to go to a few times a month. I am going to be rethinking my yoga alter. It is feeling cluttered and messy and does not help my sense of yoga space. I need to declutter in general. Donate things and give what I do not actively using.

This week, being physically around others all striving to absorb practicing yoga into their lives has been wonderful... that and the food was fabulous. It was amusing how many people did not realize this was a vegan retreat.

I regret this is leaving those of you that enjoyed the morning Sun Salutation morning class.

I truly hope that you are able to take what you gained from our sessions together to continue as it is a wonderful way to start the day. I will be putting up video demos of the different modifications that I went over.

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