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The Cost of Covid

Last year I had Covid twice. First time was what I would describe as long covid. I got to get one of those finger blood oxygen monitors. Just sitting I was out of breath. Month later I would have to choose between walking or talking; I could not do both. Four months latter my lungs were feeling closer to normal and I got covid again... fun times.

This morning's session made me realize just how much strength I lost this past year. I need to go home with everything this week and develop a new personal practice. I am tempted to go full vegan food wise. Cheese, that would be the hardest for me to give up. Vegan cheese does not melt well. Thistle might help but not with snacks. I love my salty cheese squares in the afternoon.

Talking with the others, I realized a few things. First, I was the only one that liked the session that morning. It was definitely not geared to beginners. Second, there was no music. The instructor kept me so focused on my breath and the awareness of myself that I never noticed there was no music. Every session we have had before had music, quiet load at times. The strangest one was "if you do not have a guru, you can have my guru, I will be your guru" ... that was an interesting savasana.

Today's workshop was Pranayama. Yoga is one of the few things I know that actually teaches people how to breath. Yoga and swimming. Swimming teaches you rhythm and pace. Yoga teaches you ways to breath; ways to purify the air in your lunges. I am thinking of all these things as I sit knitting in the common area. If anyone wants a mindfulness activity that is productive, knitting. Knitting, Swimming and Yoga.

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