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Why Do Yoga

Why do people start doing yoga?

To become healthier.

To improve flexibility or mobility.

To reduce stress.

To improve balance.

To lose weight.

Because _____ magazine said it would sculpt your butt

To try something new.

The list can go on. Everyone has their own reason the walked into their first yoga class, followed some CD or video online but most people have a similar reason to go to their second. You walk away feeling good.

You don't have to be flexible to do yoga or willow thin. Not every pose is for everyone. I cannot do headstands, shoulder stands or plow; I have neck problem. As a woman, sometimes it is not a flexibility issue- breasts just get in the way. Find the poses that work for you, that challenge you, that are beneficial to you and do not cause pain.

My first instructor, Tomi Thompson, told me- the difference between a beginner and intermediate is body awareness. Aware of yourself in space, what your body is telling you to modify and learning the alignment is more important that straining to get into a position. It had nothing to do with whether or not you can touch your toes or put your heels on the mat in downward facing dog.

One of my favorite take away from my first yoga classes: Samasthiti - stillness, awareness, serenity. In an ashtanga practice, samasthiti is paired with tadasana (mountain pose). Starting point and ending point. Starting with awareness and bringing oneself back to awareness. A touchstone word.

In the end, I have to ask myself: "Am I doing yoga? or am I practicing yoga?" The physical is only 1 of 8 aspects of yoga... (to be continued)

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