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Beginner's Guide: First Class

Your first class, let go of your expectations- stereotypes, the belief that you need to be a contortionist, etc. Expect to feel confused. Do not compare yourself to anyone in the class. Do not even compare yourself to your yesterday's self. Somethings might be easy where other hard. Do not force yourself into a pose, don't strain. There is pushing your limits and there is forcing yourself past them. Use your own body weight to encourage the rotation/stretch. Using props is the smart thing to do, not a sign that you are not as good as that person in the corner not using any. Modifying a pose to your abilities is a demonstration of self awareness.

Child's Pose (Balaasana) This is the go to rest pose that most people use. If you need to "step away" for a moment, coming to child's pose gives you a moment of rest. There are many ways to have your arms (extended out front, palms up by your sides, palm holding our heel, bent elbows and hand in a favorited mudra behind your head, etc.) The one that feels right at that moment is the one that will be the most beneficial for your moment of rest.

Yoga is unity. An asana practice synchronizes breath to movement. Bends or lowering are on an exhale, lifting on the inhale. The sequence can be fast, matching movement to single inhale or exhale. Or it can be slowed with poses held for several breaths. Whether you are holding or not the movement from one position to another the same. The rhythm of your breath is something you can focus the mind on. It lets everything else slip away for a moment. If you feel your mind start to wonder or you suddenly remember something, acknowledge it and return to the breath.

Savasana (corpse pose) your final relaxation. As you lay down, releasing the tension you are carrying, take a moment to thank yourself for giving yourself the experience. That you took time out of your day for yourself and allow yourself to sink into the floor.

After your first class, drink water, lots of water. Think of it like you just had a massage and you need to flush out any chemicals/toxins that were released out of your system. You just gave your internal organs a massage- one of the benefits of spinal twists. Like any new physical activity, you may be a little stiff afterwards but you will really feel it two (2) days later. Class on Monday, you will feel it Wednesday. The more often you do yoga the better you will feel at the end of a session/class.

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