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Yoga Logos & Names

Yes, strange title for this week's post. When I was about halfway through my RYT training I began to think about how I would teach, what would my target audience be, etc. And because I am a visual person (see I thought about a logo. What would it be, what did I want it to promote, and what ideas would it be tied to.

I was screen-printing tops for my then roller derby league and added a small bug in the

lower corner of each shirt. My roller derby name was Bughouse Cuckoo. Everyone just called me Bug. When I got more serious about the idea of teaching, it became Yoga Bug. But a cute insect and a nickname, though significate to me, did not portray what I was intending to share.

I came up with the idea of the eight (8) limbs of yoga in a circle. Yoga is more than just a fancy exercise movements to me. There is nothing wrong for people to use yoga just as a form of physical exercise. As stated before, we all have different reasons for practicing yoga. My first instructor, Tommi Thompson, introduced me to the philosophy of yoga. I found it wonderful and a way to enrich my daily life. I wanted my logo to reflect that.

The finished image, I loved.

So, I had my logo and an idea of who my audience would be. People starting out, people that have been doing yoga (asana practices) for sometime, and people that wanted to learn more. I wanted to share everything that I have learned and help other explore yoga further- leading someone from dipping a toe to stepping into the pool.

If you have seen my Facebook page, there is a 'Yoga Sutra of the Day' posted each day. They build on each other. If you happen to buy a book of the Yoga Sutras, I recommend only reading one (1) a day. The commentary that goes with each can be lengthy and the concepts complex. One (1) a day allows digestion before adding the next string. More to come on Yoga Sutras...

Tank and T-shirts are available for purchase:

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